Hi there! I'm Sarah...
If you've landed on this page you'd probably want to know my 'why' and find out more about me and my services.
I want to help as many people as I possibly can to find, build and deepen loving relationships.
I've been helping singles and couples since 2011 connect to love and reconnect in love. Let me share more about my expertise and work with you.

International Matchmaker & Love Life Coach since 2011, Sarah has been featured in Vogue, GQ, CBS News, Forbes, The Times, Psychologies and more. She joins the BBC weekly on various different shows to talk about all things dating and relating.
Sarah owns multiple offline dating agencies works with singles to find love, creating personal introductions. Sarah is also currently in training as a Psychotherapist & works with couples seeking reconnection as a Relationship Coach using Imago in her couples sessions to guide, facilitate and educate on conscious connection.
Sarah is deeply passionate about her work, it's not just a profession. You'll hear her talking about love, dating, relating and intimacy on radio, tv, at events, in her sessions with singles and couples and in written form on a daily basis.
Sarah and her teams work with singles looking to find romantic love and she works privately with couples looking to reconnect to love and overcome hurdles holding them back from a deeply intimate and fulfilling relationship.
You'll find Sarah providing personal introductions, hosting educational events and advising on human behaviour in dating and romantic relationships. Sarah consults one-to-one with big brands on all things dating, relationships and intimacy.